$ whoami
A Brief History Of What I Do
Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog!
I am an Emergency Medicine doctor based in London.
Alongside this, I am a self-taught Software Developer.
I am an M.B.B.S. graduate from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.
I am also a multi-instrumentalist musician and a music composer.
I play guitar, keys, and drums (and triangle?).
My Programming Journey
I taught myself how to program in 2020, the year that we were hit
by the COVID-19 pandemic.
When the world was isolating and working from home, I was
treating patients infected by the novel Coronavirus and learning
to code after work. (It made life fun honestly!)
But if I say that this is where my programming journey began, I
would be lying.
My uncle was a hardware engineer and hence, I grew up with
computers and computer parts all around me.