$ whoami

A Brief History Of What I Do

Dr. Ashish Bamania


Hey there! Thanks for visiting my blog!

I am an Emergency Medicine doctor based in London.

Alongside this, I am a self-taught Software Developer.

I am an M.B.B.S. graduate from the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi.

I am also a multi-instrumentalist musician and a music composer.
I play guitar, keys, and drums (and triangle?).

My Programming Journey

I taught myself how to program in 2020, the year that we were hit
by the COVID-19 pandemic.

When the world was isolating and working from home, I was
treating patients infected by the novel Coronavirus and learning
to code after work. (It made life fun honestly!)

But if I say that this is where my programming journey began, I
would be lying.

My uncle was a hardware engineer and hence, I grew up with
computers and computer parts all around me.

As a child, I played with motherboards and formatted hard drives
containing important data.

Could not find the photo of a child playing with RAMs (Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash)

I wrote my first program in C when I was in school, but not for a
long time. I later went on to study Medicine rather than Computer Science.

My lost interest was rediscovered in 2020. (Thanks to COVID-19?)

In the last two years, I have learned multiple programming
languages including Python, JavaScript, C, C++, Flutter, R, Swift,
and Solidity.

This was all in the quest for exploring Machine learning, Full-stack
Web development, Web-3 and Blockchain development, Quantum Computing, Systems
Design, and more.



Dr. Ashish Bamania

Doctor 🩺 | Self-Taught Software Developer 👨‍💻 | Author 📘 | AIIMS, New Delhi 👨‍🎓 | Subscribe to my newsletter here: https://bytesurgery.substack.com/